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Difficulty: Easy Wednesday, August 5, 2020

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CHAT LOG for Wednesday, August 5, 2020

1:07 am

Trump is a puppet? I just read Tucos post and heard MSNBC come out.
1:07 am

Oh and TRUMP 2020!
3:21 am

Tuco, can't disagree with you on Murdoch,rxcept for James who tried to get some sense out there but finally gave up and resigned with his integrity intact.
3:21 am

Did you watch the interview Denise? And you still want to vote for him?
3:24 am

3:30 am

5:07 am

5:11 am

TRUMP 2020!
6:10 am

To all in the USA - Trump drags your reputation all down each time he opens his mouth.
8:18 am

Denise, I read your posts and Fox comes out. :P Have you seen the Axios interview? Are you and Knight that far gone in Cult 45 that you still support this maniac? Is it that important to you to "own the libs"? Wake up. 1000 people a day dying, "it is what it is". It was going to disappear when the weather got warmer. What is wrong with anyone who still supports this dotard?
8:20 am

One Ghislane Maxwell. Mr. President you wished someone accused of sex trafficking well, why did you do that? Well her boyfriend was killed or committed suicide in jail. I wished her well. NOTHING about the victims. Was it a threat to keep her mouth shut or support for her hoping nothing like what happened to her boyfriend happened to her. (which is actually the same thing)
8:26 am

My mom is 93 years old and I am the only person she sees every day. She is a Fox viewer because after my dad passed 15 years ago a neighbor shows up, sits in my dads chair and changes the channel from CNN to Fox. She has actually said that Trump is the greatest president ever. How would a life long democrat who taught us that racism was bad, big JFK supporter, grew up in the Great Depression and revered FDR believe this? Propaganda, Lies, Fear of the other pumped into her mind by Fox F'ng News.
8:49 am

Knight, I know I have been away for a long time. Were you trying to be ironic with the Orwell quote? Because if you posted that to critique the media and not the President who engages in Newspeak every day then I think you missed the mark.
10:37 am

This morning Hair Fuhrer said that children are basically immune to corona virus and that it will go away like things go away. And yet people still will vote for this man. Why?
10:38 am

Please make him send Barron to one of the schools he forces open. Please, Please, Please.
10:40 am

Like what he says controls the virus??
10:40 am

He seems to believe that.
10:41 am

Trump 2020
10:41 am

Your mother was a wise woman Tuco.
10:41 am

You are correct 8201, was.
10:41 am

She is still alive.
10:42 am

but there are studies that show that people who get their news from Fox are more uninformed and misinformed than people who do not watch any news.
10:43 am

Trump 1619
10:45 am

Biden, Harris 2020
10:46 am

Not official but OMG I would love to see an in person debate between Pence and Harris. She would eat him alive.
10:50 am

Why would anyone want 4 more years of this. At least at this point in the Obama administration the unemployment rate had been cut almost in half, we had almost constant growth in the GDP, the Stock Market was almost back to where it was before the recession and on its way to record highs in his 2nd term. The republicans had not yet gutted the ACA. Osama bin Laden dead. What has this guy done? What more will he deregulate? How many more cronies or donors will he put in charge of agencies making the swamp deeper and deeper. He has lied to you constantly and sucked up to Vlad Ras Putin . You really want 4 more years of this?
12:53 pm

"When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable,
But he who restrains his lips is wise." Prov 10:19
1:15 pm

Glad to have you back Tuco - I appreciate that you have the ability to speak for me and know all my intentions. I makes my life in the chog so much easier. I shall now return to my silent state.
1:17 pm

I am voting for Trump sorry tuco
1:21 pm

Hey. Cool as it is to see you Americans ragging on each other all the time, consider this:
You won't win anybody around to your point of view by degrading them. Calling somebody ignorant, or sexist, or racist is not going to change their minds. When it comes to discussions like this, you have to consider that people who voted/plan to vote for Trump had/have reasons for doing so, even if those reasons are hard to define or come from a place of fear or misinformation. It's only by acknowledging and talking those reasons out - civilly, with a genuine desire to understand - that you're ever going to make any progress on this. Even if that means being the bigger person, which sucks in the moment but gets better. And yes, this is coming from a person who would rather sit on a knife than vote for Trump.
1:26 pm

thank you for your thoughts Tod
1:43 pm

Pearls before swine, Tod.
1:51 pm

3:19 pm

Knight i was asking what your intention was.
3:28 pm

And tod not seeing where i bad mouthed anyone other than trump. The man is off the rails and i just want to know why and how others can actually consider voting/supporting him. The only answers i get are i sound like msnbc. Being the bigger person has given us GWB after the recount was stopped. Being the bigger person would be actually saying why you still support trump after everything he has done and said. Not believing he has done them is not good enough.
3:29 pm

My intention was to share a quote. How others interpret it, ignore it, appreciate it, or even take offense to it is up to them. I fail to see any irony in the quote and, if you or others have read the book (1984), then you know the context it which it was spoken.
3:30 pm

That is a cop out knight. You put it up to get a reaction and succeeded.
3:31 pm

Again, I am glad you are back in the chog. Rare is it that others can know my intentions without ever having met me. You must be gifted.
3:31 pm

The context in the book and the context of placing the quote in chat are 2 different things.
3:32 pm

3:33 pm

Or do you have quote tourettes?
3:33 pm

Yes, doctor, I do
3:40 pm

3:41 pm

Okay i give. I will ask a direct question. Knight were you trying to say that history is being rewritten by one side or the other in our american political debates, and if so which side is doing that?
3:43 pm

It is, and as far as I can tell, always has been rewritten by both sides when either finds it politically expedient.
3:44 pm

I find nearly all politicians repugnant.
3:46 pm

I find them less repugnant when they actually do something for the people and less for the militarial industrial complex
3:47 pm

I find them more repugnant when they are caught in a lie the cry fake news.
3:50 pm

4:18 pm

Whew! Warm in here.
4:18 pm

EZPZ, fast clicker, two or three at a time. 8.