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Difficulty: Easy Friday, December 15, 2017

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CHAT LOG for Friday, December 15, 2017

12:13 am

12:14 am

Done. ng, ng. Well done, jackt!
12:24 am

VisitorTod, feel free to express your views, always welcome to hear from the silent majority. It will take involvement from the masses to change the course of history from that dictated to by the current bearers of power. One of the beauties of a democracy is we have the ability to change who governs on our behalf. Like you I am glad I don't live in the US whose system is obviously flawed and skewed by money.
12:24 am

12:30 am

12:34 am

drwho, I agree a lot of the media don't check their facts and publish lies when it suits them too. There was an interesting article analysing lies and I'm sure you won't be surprised but Trump tells more public lies that most people tell privately. I find it quite bizarre that anyone would think he is the sort of person you would want as a President, ultimately the person representing your country to the rest of the world.
3:40 am

Good morning! Drwho, even if you had the "right" to spend money, it would be a right with limits. You have the right to free speech, but not to yell fire, etc. The point is campaign finance limits were the law until Buckley v. Valeo. and I think that was a bad decision. after all Congress is given the right in the Constitution in Article 1 section IV to regulate elections. As for monopolies, there has never in history been a truly free market; even in the most laissez-faire atmosphere barriers arise when successful businesses dominate the market and it took prosecution not consumer demand to loosen the stranglehold of Microsoft.
3:40 am

"Such regulations may, no doubt, be considered as in some respect a violation of natural liberty. But those exertions of the natural liberty of a few individuals, which might endanger the security of the whole society, are, and ought to be, restrained by the laws of all governments"
7:48 am

8:02 am

9:07 am

Phil, I think the question of who we chose as President of the United State boiled down to who we didn't want, more than who we did want. A rather common situation in politics where you have to settle for the lesser of two evils.

Personally, I wish Trump would stay off of Twitter and just keep doing the other things he is doing.
9:11 am

Ionibelle, I think you read too much into Art I, Sect. 4. You are stretching the phrase "place and manner of holding elections" to include how much candidates may spend in their campaigns.
9:23 am

Oops, the full phrase is "the times, place and manner of elections". I still don't see anything about regulating campaigns in that.
9:46 am

I believe a closer reading of Art. I, Sect. 4 will lead you to the understanding that the power to regulate elections resides with the states and that the federal government has limited power to regulate the elections process, probably for the purpose of maintaining uniformity so that tabulating results of national elections are not overly complex.
9:50 am

So probably if the courts would stick to strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution, there would have been no need to appeal to freedom of speech in Citizens United. The correct argument is that the Constitution does not grant the federal government the power to regulated political campaigns.
10:27 am

12:25 pm

Kina slow. 18.
6:28 pm

8:50 pm

I think "manner" is a very, very broad category. and in fact the Constitution certainly gives the power to overrule any State laws regarding time and manner; excluding only place.
9:00 pm

also, if you are to be consistent in your argument then the Supreme Court should have let Florida continue its recount in Bush v Gore.