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Difficulty: Easy Saturday, May 6, 2017

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CHAT LOG for Saturday, May 6, 2017

12:13 am

12:17 am

12:17 am

completed with a non-partisan effort
12:19 am

3:33 am

fun: two interlocking unique rectanges in this one. not tthat it matters, can e solved with eyes closed.
5:13 am

6:08 am

Congrats, Phil! Our president - as I'm sure you heard - declared that Australia has a better health care system than we have. May be the only utterance of his with which I agree. His healthcare bill, however, undermines his statement - we've now moved farther away from universal health care.
6:36 am

The irony didn't escape us here
6:41 am

(Sorry he forgot PM Turnbull's name, though . . .)
6:43 am

But to be honest I'd rather have France or Italy's or Swedens's health care. They are even fairer. Everyone pays higher taxes to have them but guess what? They are happy to do so. Our health care system still favours those who can afford private health cover as well. At least our private cover doesn't exclude you if you have had the odd illness and you can choose to not by cover for pregnancy for example, useful if you're a single bloke or a woman past childbearing years.
6:45 am

Daughter going to Montreal for 5 weeks and we're hoping not to have to go via the US as the insurance goes through the roof. Your system really sucks.
6:45 am

6:50 am

6:55 am

Actually Trump was right when he said just about everywhere has a better healthcare system than the US. He's probably the most unsuitable, undiplomatic President you've ever had, but possibly exactly what was needed. The alternatives were pretty bad. But you focus too much on the President when as Ellenz says you keep voting for people who only seem to look after themselves or the status quo.
7:21 am

8:11 am

For 6 years Nancy Pelosi and the dems tried to pass a jobs bill and a Buy America bill for the federal government. The republicans blocked it. They were successful because the right wing media demonizes the democrats. Limbaugh says liberalism is a mental disease. They brainwash their followers through hate, greed, and religious intolerance. Trump is the product of their message and the fools who bought the propaganda are responsible for his and the republicans in congress actions.
8:15 am

I am sick of hearing it is the politicians in washington who only care about themselves. Who do you think put them in office?? The republicans have not done one thing in the last 40 years that helps the middle class. Who elects these idiots like Louis Gohmert? Who believes the swill coming out of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh? It is the voters fault. They will never admit it though.
8:16 am

Tuco, you are one messed up dude. The evidence is your lack of capacity to understand alternative perspectives. The result is your on-going, incessant rants which reflect or validate your bias and intolerance of those who do not share your opinion or perspective. Look, in the world you live in, life is miserable, it is a flawed and broken world and there are a group of people, often referred to as your "neighbors" who are part of select group of Dispicables you loath. We GET IT. Shut the F/ck up...damn. Day after day after day...nothing new. Nothing insightful. No openings. No discussion. just Rant....STFU!!! Please. Suffer alone...
8:18 am

Bitch whine, complain, bitch, whine, cry, whine, complain, bark, snap, complain, yell, whine, cry, complain, Bitch whine, complain, bitch, whine, cry, whine, complain, bark, snap, complain, yell, whine, cry, complain, Bitch whine, complain, bitch, whine, cry, whine, complain, bark, snap, complain, yell, whine, cry, complain, Bitch whine, complain, bitch, whine, cry, whine, complain, bark, snap, complain, yell, whine, cry, complain, Bitch whine, complain, bitch, whine, cry, whine, complain, bark, snap, complain, yell, whine, cry, complain, Bitch whine, complain, bitch, whine, cry, whine, complain, bark, snap, complain, yell, whine, cry, complain,
8:18 am

STFU. Please.
8:19 am

You do not engage in a debate of ideas. Someone presents a divert to your rant. Someone points out an divert to your rant.
8:20 am

Over and over and over Over and over and overOver and over and overOver and over and overOver and over and overOver and over and overOver and over and over....CAN YOU SEE YOUR SELF???? It's a serious question....
8:23 am

8:23 am

You show your complete ignorance when you state something like "Government JOB's program" because the government PRODUCES NO OUTPUT. GOVERNMENT CONSUMES EXCESS RESOURCES...Did you even take a basic econ course??????????? GOVERNMENT IS A CONSUMER....OF WORK PRODUCT...NOT A CREATOR OF EXCESS....GEEZZZ...
8:23 am

your opinion
8:24 am

why do companies bribe for government contracts ranter?
8:25 am

HOLY ZHIT's not an is a FACT. You have NOT ONE EXAMPLE OF GOVERNMENT PRODUCING ANY EXCESS...YOu cannot...WHY? because the government RUNS ON THE COLLECTION OF TAXES....everry thing which comes out of government was REMOVED from PRIVATE CAPITAL PRODUCTION...I am sorry your basic comprehension level is near zero...
8:26 am

WHY? BECAUSE A) NO economic system is perfectly balanced. B) the 'grey area' is filled with the negotation of the exchange between haves and those that can deliver IN THE MIDDLE...
8:27 am

8:27 am

Oh yes I have taken an econ course. And I have a B.S. degree. I am assuming you have a degree in Economics?
8:28 am

Yeah. I do.
8:29 am

So lets debate the social construct...on point...until resolution.
8:29 am

Where would Lockheed Martin be without government contracts? I know. They would be laying off by the thousands
8:29 am

no diversion.
8:30 am

I don't have time today. I am running a business right now. Another time.
8:30 am

Stupid question. What the f/ck does it matter...are you in nirvana and Lockheed is going away. the REASON it exists is BECAUSE it was needed to dismantle two systems which go against the grain of human behavior - Socialism and Closed economies...USSR and CHINA
8:31 am

Those questions are really really stupid.
8:31 am

Completely absurd...why does the sun come up?
8:31 am

8:32 am

Go run your business...hopefully you are better in that realm than here in a discussion about the world AS IT EXISTS TODAY MAY 6th 2017.
8:35 am

If we want to have stupid question Day, let's set aside one day and everyone who wants to show their ignorance by asking question which have no relevance to anything...their just insane question. But, if there is some desire for reasonable discourse, then we can just do that every day...Yours is not that.
8:35 am

Enjoy your Saturday!
8:47 am

you too. always lovely hearing from you lk911
2:55 pm

my stupid question for the day: What is the answer to this question?
8:01 pm

Fast clicker. 8.