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Difficulty: Expert Friday, April 28, 2017

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CHAT LOG for Friday, April 28, 2017

12:23 am

Done. 3 guesses.
3:12 am

Cows are held by humans so CH4 from cows is what I call caused by humans. Concerte is produced by humans, so the large amounts of CO2 that is the result of that process is caused by humans. Volvcanoes on the other hand produce large amounts of aerosols in the atmosphere that temporarily lower the earths temperature,, plus sme GHGs that trap more heat. The net result is that volcanoes temporarily lower the temperature. The process is well understood . It's just that we cannot predict these outbreaks. .............................................\n............................... Somebody mentioned that "the same"scientists predicted a lower temperature in the '80s. That is verifiably untrue and also verifiably a myth created by climate deniers paid by the fossile industry. Some "proofs" that can be found on the Internet include faked Time magazine front pages.
3:31 am

g/ng = a very long inference chain
5:07 am

5:20 am

Morning. Go.
5:26 am

Done. NG. EZPZ.
Mr0. Verifiably untrue can be pointed in both directions, it is the internet after all. Your claim faked Time magazine is however verifiable. It is an actual article written in 1974 (the faked one is 1977). Newsweek has one in 1975 and the list can go on. There is a lot of info out there, try to go beyond CNN, MSNBC, Slate and Huffpo :)
5:29 am

Done 1 guess
5:58 am

6:04 am

6:56 am

Hahahah...Sorry, not your corner bistro, across all of France, my mistake for not making this clear. The culture battle has been lost in Central Europe. Ask yourself what motivated Putin to close immigration from MidEast? Ask why there is no immigration from ME to China? Then look at the landscape of Cent Europe... climate will always be changing, it has for nearly 34,000,000,000 years. What has collapsed every social structure formed over the past 10,000 years? Answer: Culture change...driven by religious beliefs. Now go sit in that Paris restaurant... I would pay close attention to something else, if you are interested in the continuance of the social culture you enjoy today. $10.00
10:40 am

11:14 am

Done, started over once, one guess.
2:02 pm

Ng, no guesses, no chains, no expert.
2:33 pm

Should have said greens, no guesses. Global Warming a moot point especially if it cascades out of control within a year or two as some scientists now believe. Couple this w estimated 230 ft rise in sea levels if polar ice disappears as it def appears to be on both poles, throw in 400+ NPPs a majorityof them located at or near sea level, toss in a few hundred Fukushimas on the Atlantic side, major potable water and food shortages leading to multiple nuclear wars, massive electrical grid failures, and on a minor note a world culture ruled by suicidal religious fanatics. What's one more simultaneously spawned extinction event? It's pretty obvious we humans have passed our event horizon. Good luck to the 1% who think they have the resources to survive this. Last kill off lasted 100,000 yrs before new life began to reemerge.
2:39 pm

Jackt, that is a fabulous summary. Hopefully, it helps folks focus on today...which is the only day which matters.
2:46 pm

jackt: like
2:54 pm

Have to laugh when we see Millennials marching for safe spaces and an end to free speech on college campuses. I left out geo-engineering - and deniers claiming people like Dane Wigington are frauds - meanwhile my friends at MIT have published white papers listing the heavy metals govts have been spraying into the exhaust contrails of commercial jetliners to create reflective adiabatic cloud cover for over a decade without informing the public.
2:56 pm

Personally, I am not in favor of blanket labels. Such as deniers. It tends to bring out the worst in my communication style. Often that leads to vicious personal attacks on folks who believe this tactic is a viable strategy to have a dialog. Jackt does that makes sense? Not sure I communicated in an understandable fashion.
3:03 pm

A lot of folks like myself with a 160 IQ, are sufficiently equipped to dissect the positions and the argument. There are not a lot of "us" but there are a lot folks who are not equipped intellectually to render much beyond an opinion. That is ok. Not sure where you are, but if you care to answer my personal questions about the subject I'd be willing to listen. My first question...tell me about the Greenland "miracle"? It is melting to the state it was 700 years ago, is the period in between global cooling? It's a pretty simple question right?
3:12 pm

Yes, IK911 and agree. I try to stay removed from thel political discourse. You have nothing to concern yourself about. I for one appreciate your posts. Usually I read everything without commenting. Today it was your posting that built a fire under me. Sorry if I got carried away. Are you talking about the mini ice age that some think was precipitated by an ice dam breaking in the Hudson's Bay area and releasing billions of gals of cold water down the St Laurence Seaway? Not sure of the dates, but this supposedly was causally related to shutting down the gulf stream's rotational movement.
3:15 pm

That doesn't make a lot of sense geographically. Maybe it was one of the great lakes.
3:17 pm

We share that first statement about political discourse. Your approach is also appreciated over here. Well reasoned, and civil. Have a fabulous day today!
3:26 pm

TThanks, Angie & IK911.
4:31 pm

Penguin, you first said "if it was politicians making claims then I would want to see how science agreed or refuted their claims," and now you say, "I'm not interested in chasing down claims by politicians." What caused you to reverse your position in less than two days? Did you perhaps realize that you were trapped? Or is it possible that you were only interested in pursuing the subject if someone else would do the work for you?
4:34 pm

6:15 pm

6:16 pm
6:41 pm

Mr.O. the claim that rising green house gases cause global warming is only supported by .....
6:41 pm

... wait for it ...
6:42 pm

... yup, you guessed it ....
6:42 pm

... computer climate models.
7:52 pm

B.T.W. human contributions to green house gases in the atmosphere are minuscule compared to what nature contributes (forest fires, volcanoes, swamp gas and yes bovine flatulence).

Bovine flatulence is not caused by humans. If PETA had its way and every cow was liberated, they would still fart.
8:22 pm
