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Difficulty: Hard Saturday, January 21, 2017

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CHAT LOG for Saturday, January 21, 2017

12:13 am

12:27 am

12:29 am

5:22 am

6:40 am

The Republicans never worry about the debt when they are in power. Just wait we wont hear anything about it now. Fake news? Everything I have posted can be backed up by facts. Not Breitbart Fox News propaganda. TallMike why is it important to you what or who the Women's March wants to call itself?
6:42 am

Fake News? You mean like Obama wasn't born here and the POTUS was sending investigators to Hawaii? Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor? Global Climate change is a Chinese hoax. Give me a break.
6:45 am

Here is some "Fake News" you might enjoy. Big League crowd photos.\nn-president-trump-and-barack-obamas-inaugurat\nion-crowds/
6:57 am

The real problem we have here is when a vocal minority backed up by propaganda can malign and cripple a sitting POTUS then complains when the majority starts to fight back and when this minority calls the majority sore losers or to grow up and have some respect, the hypocrisy is mind-boggling. For over 8 years Obama was slandered and delegitimized with none of it being true. Now the people who did that are complaining when we point out the FACTS about our new POTUS? Either they are the most evil people on the planet or the most gullible and have swallowed every lie and bit of propaganda as gospel.
7:19 am

1Hammer - I'm chuckling at the irony of your comment. For centuries, women have been told that "he" and "man" includes women, too. Are you feeling left out as a result of language? That's how we've been feeling for millenia. And we've been told to get over it.
7:46 am

10:53 am

Tuco, you sound like part of the sour grapes crew.
11:06 am

tuco, re the Women's March on Washington, calling an event by a name that does not accurately reflect its intended purpose and scope tends to reduce the event's impact and also causes confusion about who is welcome at the event and who is not. That is why the name is important.
1:25 pm

Dear Tuco, My comment about the debt wasn't partisan. It was a reflexive opinion on your OPINION (not fact) that "He is inheriting the best economy of an incoming president in 20 years."
1:25 pm

Sit back folks - now cometh the Tuco spin.
4:36 pm

Tuco is correct, that is not opinion. Of course, when you pick and choose news as reliable only when it supports your views I guess it could be considered fake. Now I'm going back to catch up on puzzles in Nov 2009, and to reminisce about a time when there was actually hope for unity.
4:51 pm

And by the way, thank you Diane (at 7:19 am)
8:59 pm
tuco Not my opinion
9:04 pm

I guess the name didn't stop the millions all over the world from marching. Or confuse them into not participating.
9:08 pm

The big story today is Trump lying in front of the CIA and also saying we still may be able to take the Iraqi oil. His press secretary lying about the crowd sizes and leaving without taking any questions.
9:10 pm

If you voted for him you own him. You probably also voted for Bush twice. Sour grapes? No, I just don't make the same mistake twice.
9:34 pm

One pretty hard to see virtual. Otherwise, nothing very hard. 18.
10:26 pm

Having watched and listened to much of today's Women's March on Washington, I conclude that it was undeniably an anti-Trump event. Not only is this at odds with tuco's repeated claims that the march would be inclusive, it also demonstrates that the name of the event was deliberately deceptive. In the presidential election 42 per cent of women voters voted for Trump.

If it had been called the Anti-Trump Women's March on Washington, we would have known ahead of time what to expect. Perhaps that is the reason it wasn't.
10:26 pm

Diane, oh, you shouldn't find any irony in that. I don't feel left out. Perhaps I should explain it with crayons so you can comprehend?
10:28 pm

Hey tuco, they updated the photo/article to be honest about their fake reporting that they got caught in. Nothing like comparing crowds at totally different times to make up a story.
11:15 pm

Dear IS and Tuco, thanks for clearing up my misconception. I am happy to know that being 18 trillion dollars in debt is a sign of a good economy. I am even happier to know that that is a fact and not an opinion. As I stated several months ago, we should all be grateful that we have Tuco. In fact, instead of paying for my grandkid's college education, I am cutting a pasting Tuco's posts and insisting they memorize them since everything he says is a fact.