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Difficulty: Easy Wednesday, November 16, 2016

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CHAT LOG for Wednesday, November 16, 2016

12:08 am

5 ng,ng
12:11 am

12:24 am

Once again I have to point out that we are a Democratic Republic. We are not just a Democracy nor are we just a Republic. The popular vote is not immaterial. The popular vote in each state determines who is awarded the electors from that state. As far as an electoral landslide check the differential from 1980 and 2008 for a real electoral landslide. My point is that whenever a president is elected without winning the popular vote it is hubris to say they have a mandate. Especially since the Electoral College was created to protect the slaveholding southern states from having an anti-slavery president, house, senate from declaring slavery unconstitutional.
12:24 am

Once again I have to point out that we are a Democratic Republic. We are not just a Democracy nor are we just a Republic. The popular vote is not immaterial. The popular vote in each state determines who is awarded the electors from that state. As far as an electoral landslide check the differential from 1980 and 2008 for a real electoral landslide. My point is that whenever a president is elected without winning the popular vote it is hubris to say they have a mandate. Especially since the Electoral College was created to protect the slaveholding southern states from having an anti-slavery president, house, senate from declaring slavery unconstitutional. Which happened 87 years later after those states seceded.
12:24 am

Once again I have to point out that we are a Democratic Republic. We are not just a Democracy nor are we just a Republic. The popular vote is not immaterial. The popular vote in each state determines who is awarded the electors from that state. As far as an electoral landslide check the differential from 1980 and 2008 for a real electoral landslide. My point is that whenever a president is elected without winning the popular vote it is hubris to say they have a mandate. Especially since the Electoral College was created to protect the slaveholding southern states from having an anti-slavery president, house, senate from declaring slavery unconstitutional. Which happened 87 years later after those states seceded.
12:24 am

Sorry about the dupes. Lag
1:12 am

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7:35 am

I'm uncertain why a popular vote would somehow set a mandate when the president isn't elected directly via popular vote. If someone wants to flail around trying to explain why the way a president isn't elected mandates a president, I'm all ears.

The only mandate is via the electoral college, much the the chagrin of people who think the popular vote should dictate everything. The Founders were smart enough to look past mob rule, they knew it is, was, and always will be a failed system. Stupid people in large groups are too easy to manipulate.
10:09 am

1Hammer - you must remember that Tuco is always correct.
He alone is the IronSudoku standard of political thought.
The rest of us are uninformed rubes.
Arguing by using facts or expressing a different opinion is
12:19 pm

Mostly real easy, but a little slow in the middle. 14.
1:00 pm

1:02 pm

It is to laugh. The same people deriding the electoral college would be championing it if the vote went the other way. And the same people deriding popular vote would be championing it if the vote went the other way.
1:07 pm
