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Difficulty: Easy Tuesday, August 2, 2016

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CHAT LOG for Tuesday, August 2, 2016

12:06 am

8 years ago the republicans were convinced that the world would end under Obama (they were incorrect). 8 years before that the democrats were convinced that the world would end under Bush (they were incorrect). Some how, we've made in work for 250 years.
12:12 am

12:12 am

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2:00 am

Unike, trying to divide political ideologies into a simple "left/right" spectrum is bound to lead to confusion. If you want to understand what's going on in the world, I recommend trying to understand nuances.

When you try to divide the world into "Left" and "Right" you'll end up saying ridiculous things, like "fascism is leftist" and defending slavery.

Just . . .don't.
5:15 am

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6:28 am

SJ I think you have to listen to Rush, Michael Savage, and Mark Levin to understand what Unike is talking about. Liberalism is a mental disease, leftists hate America and want to take away all the guns. Leftists hate God and are appeasers. Leftists are weak and feckless. According to them.
6:39 am

But the Right is not immune from their criticism either. See how they turned on the Republican "Establishment", the same people they backed and voted into office when they didn't get their way. Their "way" being delegitimize the POTUS and anyone who tries to alter the status quo in a way that hurts their true constituency. Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Wall Street, and the 1%. Since the Republican "Establishment" which is now farther to the Right at any time in my lifetime was unable or unwilling to repeal the ACA, put forth a DOMA that would stick. Their propaganda arm turned on them.
6:45 am

So instead of admitting they have no accomplishments to run on, they have their propaganda arm denounce and slander Liberalism and anyone who doesn't work to destroy them. Instead of putting forth solutions to fix any of the underlying problems facing the American people they play the fear and racist card. Dividing and conquering those who can't see through their propaganda for what it is. Maintaining the Status Quo. That is why the Rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the Middle Class is disappearing.
6:58 am

For my last post for the week: Whether it is man on man, woman on woman, woman on man, or man on woman. Rape should be prosecuted and punished as severely as murder. But what if the accuser is lying?? How many people are wrongly accused and convicted of murder? But what about the victims? When a victim is murdered their life is over, when a victim is raped their life as they knew it is over. Murder = a violent act destroying life. Rape = a violent act destroying life.
7:05 am

Sorry, I lied. It just hit me. You know how we hear about how violent Chicago is today? It is funny to me how the last time it was this violent was during another time of economic hardship and prohibition. That time led to the outlaw of the Tommy
7:05 am

7:07 am

Gun. or at least restrictions. Another difference is we have glamorized that time in the media. I wonder why today is different?
7:19 am

Yet we are not hearing about the dramatic drop in crime in California or how California is doing so well economically. Gee ya think the reason we are not hearing much about it from the Right is because liberal policies actually work to help the economy and a better economy helps bring down crime?
7:21 am
8:53 am

This one's a fooler. It looks like it's going to be a slow slog, but is really quite easy if you [rot13]qb gur avarf svefg
9:10 am

The left and right scale has moved considerably in the last 70 years. Today's "right" is very much center (libertarian) and today's left is very much totalitarianism (far right) masked as socialism (far left). Samantha is right that it's ridiculous to use those terms for today's politics.
9:16 am

Also California doing "so well" has less GDP per person than Texas, you know, the super conservative state. And of course you'll blame a conservative policy for exactly why that is...
9:52 am

Poverty rates in California (which are terrible, especially by the new alternative method) have been rising since 2000, and the poverty rate across the US has, as well. Yet crime is down. Isn't this the opposite effect of what you claimed?
11:07 am

This one had me worried for a while. Finding my first move took time. After that it ran on greased skids. 10.
11:38 am

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1:22 pm

Difficulty score 14.
2:58 pm

My original thesis still stands. Nazi Germany was not a free market economy, no matter how you slice it.

Political systems that do not promote free markets do not promote individual freedom.
3:43 pm

Except for Singapore? which ranks number one as being the easiest nation to do business out of 185 and 153rd out of 175 in civil rights. There are no simple points of comparison between politics and economics. And Nazi Germany was a distortion of the political right not the left. Though some members of the right''s re-writing of history is chillingly Orwellian.
9:24 pm

1hammer the economic gains in California have allowed the 8th largest economy in the world to have a strong safety net. Yes they have on of the highest poverty rates but they are addressing it and reducing crime at the same time through liberal economic policies and not through austerity and privatization.
9:25 pm

A rising tide lifts all boats is a lot different than trickling down.
9:28 pm

But BTAIM, I am positive that only Donald Trump can fix these problems. Only he can make America great again. People are saying that. I have heard a lot of people say that.
9:33 pm

lonibelle I would argue that economics are totally political. As MLK said the Federal Budget is a moral document. It shows what the nations priorities are in terms of how it respects its citizens and their general welfare. Do we spend more this year on stem cell research or more drone strikes? Do we devote more of our research to building weapons of mass destruction or improve our schools. Do we give a bigger tax cut for unearned income or give a tax credit for bringing back manufacturing jobs to the U.S.?
9:38 pm

Politics is completely about who gets to spend what, where? PolySci 101. Why would someone raise millions of dollars to hold an office that will never return in salary what they had to spend to get elected. As B. Franklin said "You get to find out where the roads are going to be built."
9:43 pm

This is why any belief in a Free Market is unicorn belief. As long as there are governments and lobbyists there will be no Free Market. But lets assume for a minute that there are no impediments to a truly Free Market. How will that work? Who will stop one group in the Free Market from swallowing up the whole of the Free Market? If there are no regulations and restrictions why wouldn't that happen? It happens even when there are regulations and restrictions. Ayn Rand was wrong. Greed has no brake. More only wants more.