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Difficulty: Hard Thursday, July 28, 2016

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CHAT LOG for Thursday, July 28, 2016

12:03 am

there never was "raw" data, it all had to be adjusted to compensate for changes in satellite positions and orbital decay. The Spencer/Christy papers that purported to show no increase in atmospheric warming adjusted the data incorrectly, as was later shown. When accurate adjustments were made, the data was in line with the the increasing temperatures recorded on the surface. As Christy himself acknowledged in his 2006 paper:" Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming... This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected. New data sets have also been developed that do not show such discrepancies."
12:17 am

12:18 am

12:25 am

Who's to say those were "accurate adjustments" or just adjustments to fit their hypothesis. This is where science quickly becomes junk science. If you have to adjust it because it's telling a different story than you want it to, you're doing it wrong. You've been duped.
3:36 am

3:41 am

5:16 am

5:23 am

First they ignore you, then they make fun of you, then they fight you, then you win.
5:28 am

I am just curious 1Hammer. What makes you a denier? Are you heavily invested in energy stocks? Do you work in the energy industry? Or is it that you just believe without question the energy industries line about climate change? Are you aware that there are 17 AGs investigating Exxon?\nlimate-change-fraud-investigation-exxon-eric-\nshneiderman-18-attorneys-general And as far as your point about how far back the data goes, there are some pretty good models gleaned from ice core data that goes back quite a long way.
9:38 am

"Global warming"...question, change is the only if the globe CANNOT maintain a constant temperature it must be? Yes! warming or cooling. There have been periods of both over 2000 years (See Greenland) and 20Billion years. Answer: it's not about WARMING.
9:41 am

"Climate Change"...question, does the climate "NOT change". I know it's a stupid question to ask, but it's even MORE ridiculous to be taken as a STATEMENT regarding the need for either gub-mint intervention or policy. Climate change AND global warming are BOTH constants....CONCLUSION: this is about MONEY. Simply follow the money...maybe? alGores investment in and promotion of the solar panel/industry, wind gen and storage.
9:44 am

Or look at it from another direction...what industry is the most vital to all of current civilization? Petro THOSE WHO DO NOT OWN these are VERY interested in wealth accumulation and power so displacing the incumbents is really the only path to take in the short term as it is the manner in which markets can be manipulated by gub-mint to redistribute wealth...that my friends is both "Climate Change" AND "Global warming". Period. I believe the only ANIMAL in the universe which BELIEVES it is powerful enough to alter the universe is HuMAN...thus, huMANs are able to construct a theory about which their actions will change events in the universe which is BEYOND their ability to impact it...see Global Warming, Climate Change. Where is this going...
9:46 am

A few simple points about 19 killed with a knife:
1. He chose to use a knife, perhaps because it would be quieter.
2. If he chose the knife because he couldn't get a gun or a silencer, then gun control laws wouldn't have stopped him.
3. He killed 19 people with a knife! He didn't need a gun to commit mass murder.
9:46 am

over the next 25 years, as with buggy whips and steel rimmed wheels of a century and a 1/4 past....I'd keep my eye on solar tech dev and batt storage dev....THOSE will supplant the petro dependence...all the efforts of the folks who want the petro wealth today, such as alGore and company will be dead and their efforts to gain power / wealth in a means other than EVOLVING NEW TECH...will fail. Book it.
9:50 am

lk911: like tuco says, follow the money. Only the money is in government grants that the global warming scientists depend on. So toe the global warming line and you get all government grants you want.
9:52 am

another tip... Think a lot about what influencers are selling you? Maslow was a pretty sharp guy: after your belly is full, your roof is over your head and your TV sitcom is coming on...there are some other factors which drive actions...GREED is at the top. It doesn't change with regard to economic status by the way. The size of the pot just gets bigger the more money you have and the more you believe you can consume/acquire/shift...into your pot.
9:53 am

DrWho...BINGO!!! If there was a marketing genius among us they would have label it correctly by calling it "Y2K 2.0"....just sayin.
9:56 am

IF anyone wants to retire with more money than Bill Gates and Warren Buffett combined, go to Vegas and bet 10,000bills on the eruption of Old Faithful changing the environment in catastrophic ways before "man" changes it in any measurable or meaning full manner.
9:56 am

Right, y2k was a crock!
9:59 am

Yes. But...there was a small group of software folks and consultants who took the gub-mint for a zhit ton of money...oh...wait...who I paid with my tax dollars to pad their bank accounts...sorry for the mistake there.
10:06 am

I'm waiting for 2038 when clocks on Unix and Linux machines with 32 bit signed integers will turn over. I probably will be dead by then but some enterprising software engineer can find a catchy name for it and make a raft of money.
10:17 am

The world ends January 19, 2038.
10:30 am

At 3:14 AM Greenwich Mean Time
10:34 am

Difficulty score 29.
10:45 am

10:55 am

12:27 pm

Buggers. I made a mistake! HATE when that happens.
12:28 pm

Oh, it wasn't so bad. I only took back one move and I'm alright again.
12:34 pm

Did it, no green, no guess. Usual Hard problems of pairs, triplets and large scale loners. 26.
12:50 pm

The difference is we know that adding pollutants to the atmosphere can seriously change the climate. It can happen naturally. A meteor strike, Krakatoa. But if we are pumping man made pollutants into the atmosphere than have the same effect as major volcanic eruptions or meteor strikes than what is your problem believing the science?
12:54 pm

You can kill a lot of people with poisonous KoolAid too drwho. If he had a weapon like the ones used in the movie theater and the grade school, he would have been able to kill quite a few more disabled people who would probably not be able to fight him off. Also he would have been able to shoot the people coming to subdue or stop him. It is easier to subdue someone using a knife than someone using a gun. I seriously believe you guys are just trolling for responses after this.
1:01 pm

Okay let's deal with a false equivalency here. Govt grants funding climate change research vs. Energy Industry funding of climate change research. Follow the money. Let's see. Govt funding is to see what the effects are, if they are real and if so how to deal with them. Energy funding is to "prove" that 1: there is no such thing as climate change and 2: Even if there is, burning fossil fuels is not the cause.
1:02 pm

I seem to remember a time where this type of rhetoric was used to defend the tobacco cartels.
2:31 pm

The problem with all the killing is the person holding the gun, or the person holding the knife, not the gun or the knife. But then you probably think the US should unilaterally eliminate our nuclear weapons and peace will break out.
2:33 pm

I don't think anyone is denying climate change. We are just amused that you think it is a threat, when in fact it is the natural course of things.
2:34 pm

And its particularly amusing that you have dropped the global warming theme in favor of climate change.
2:36 pm

Fundamental fallacy of liberalism. People are basically good and with proper guidance utopia will break out. Nope, we are fallen. Weapons are a necessary evil.
8:43 pm

If there weren't significant negative feedback loops, Earth would have long ago been boiled by the positive feedback Algore preached. But all-in-all, year following year, climate is stable. Two large effects provide negative feedback. 1) Warmer seas => more clouds => whiter albedo => less solar radiation absorbed. 2) More carbon dioxide => more green plants, more algae => more choral and shellfish => more sequestration of carbon as limestone.
9:39 pm

shakes head. Then why do you accept your lower energy rates from your co-op? According to your dogma you should be paying the market rate and not sponging off the rest of us with your socialism. And what is natural about human air pollution and deforestation? Unfortunately the coral reefs are not sequestering carbon they are dying. But I am more interested on why you believe the way you do. What is it that makes you believe that human caused climate change is not real. Why? Not how you believe it but why? Is it because you don't believe that humans can be basically good? Is it because you believe the Ayn Rand dogma that people are basically greedy and they will do the right thing not because it is for the greater good, but because it will benefit them?
9:41 pm

And why are you really against any gun control? Are you afraid? Paranoid? Have made significant amount of enemies that you need to protect yourself with deadly force?
9:44 pm

You laugh at liberalism. Please tell me what conservatism done to improve the lives of the people.
9:47 pm

Jesus would be considered a liberal. Ghandi liberal? MLK liberal? JFK?? liberal. FDR liberal. Even Nixon compared with today's conservatives would not be considered right wing. Reagan a true conservative but nowhere as far right as what we have today.\n8/republicans-didnt-always-march-to-the-natio\nnal-rifle-associations-drum/?_r=0
9:51 pm

Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, David Duke, Louis Gomert. What good have they ever done for the people? They are fear mongering shills for their corporate masters or gatherers of power through hate and fear.
9:53 pm

They make you feel good about being selfish and tell you that it is not your fault you are afraid, hateful, bigoted, and xenophobic. It is because the liberals tell you that you are. It isn't your fault, you are a Great American. Protecting the American Culture. Saving Christmas and Oil company profits. Santa is white you know and Drill Baby Drill.
9:58 pm

All the while forgetting what true American Culture is. It is a beautiful melange of The World. Unless you are a Native American or brought here on a slave ship you came here from somewhere else and our Republic and Government belongs to all of us. Not only to those with money enough to feather their own nests at the expense of the many. To believe otherwise is to murder the American Dream.
10:05 pm

I will admit drwho that when I read some of your posts I remember you asking or saying that I want to give the country back to the Native Americans. Well if I ever was in a position to where I could decide between giving it to those who believe as you or the aboriginal peoples. I would choose the aborigines. Not because they were here first but they would respect the land to a greater degree than any other choice.
10:10 pm

Laugh at the preponderance of scientific evidence. Pooh Pooh the 80% of Americans who favor universal background checks. Your kind is an aging and dying breed. Sanity is starting to take hold again. And it is thanks to your kind. The more people that are being screwed over a longer time by the policies and beliefs you hold the sooner they will be overturned. It has happened before, it will happen again. And then the pendulum will swing back but maybe not so soon this time.
10:13 pm

A Black man named Barack Hussein Obama was elected twice to the highest office in the land 7 and 11 years after 9/11. A woman whose critics have accused her of almost every possible crime imaginable is soon to hold that office. What more do you have be shown to see that you are on the wrong side of history?
10:18 pm

You espouse the Free Market yet warm your home with socialist energy. You laugh at liberals and yet benefit from their policies. Why? So that you can pretend you are superior? That you did it all on your own and the government is evil? The same government that created our Constitution you profess to adhere to?
10:21 pm

Socialism and Liberalism do not want to abolish the Free Market they want to set it truly Free. Being truly Free does not have to mean no regulations. It means sane regulations. Available to all. Not rigged. The Market does not just belong to the owners of the market. It also belongs to the consumers and workers. For without one of them the whole 3 legged stool falls apart.
10:26 pm

Governments role is not only to promote U.S. business as you have said but to make sure that no one is taken advantage of. Or at least it should be. To promote the general welfare. Not to promote the landed elite, or corporate parasites. Responsible corporate leaders should be well remunerated but so should those who labor to produce the goods and services the corporations provide.