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Difficulty: Easy Saturday, July 16, 2016

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CHAT LOG for Saturday, July 16, 2016

12:06 am

12:06 am

Difficulty score 12.
12:08 am

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12:44 am

Done, clickfest
5:03 am

6:46 am

The post about AFDC is staggering to me. Yes there are definitely cases where something you described happens. Just as there are cases where financial advisers and hedge fund managers bilk their clients and the government out of billions and leave their wife and children penniless. Have you been to Harlem? Have you been to Brooklyn, have you been to Atlanta? Have you been to Rio de Janeiro? Have you been to Alabama? To refer to "the inner city" as you have below ignores all the reasons for why it is that way, how it became that way, and points the finger at the victims of the system. It allows the system to continue and is racist or better yet classist. Those people don't deserve any thing anyway, look at what they do when we try to help them. And yet when the real cause is pointed out. Destruction of neighborhoods, closing of manufacturing job opportunities, racial preferential treatment in hiring... The powers that be and their shills cry, what do you expect? We give them a place to live and they turn it to shit. We give them AFDC, which is enough to raise a gerbel on and all they do is spit out another one. Look at the blight they have caused by over speculating on real estate and moving their shitty factory job overseas. Look at how well educated they are at the financially scrapped school districts they have because we needed a tax cut for hedge fund managers. You know we should go back to a time where people like them lived in shacks and we chained them together in the fields. That would show them how good they have it now.
7:07 am

Are you poor? It's your fault because you took government help. Didn't take government help? It's still your fault.
7:12 am
7:14 am

This has been done throughout history. Hey boy why you compainin about your low wages? You should be happy, you are a white boy. You should just thank God you gotta job and you ain't black.
7:16 am

What kills me is after all this time Trickle Down, the Chicago School of Econ, Ayn Rand, S&L scandal, Mortgage security fraud, The Gread Depression, every economic downturn in history has been caused by the HAVES. Not the poor or middle class. And yet it is the poor and middle class that have to pay for their failures.
7:18 am

DrWho even said it a while back. His reply to what the Chicago School of Econ did to Chile was the didn't go far enough with privatization. Greenspan admitted his ideology was "flawed" Yet they still persist. It isn't us it is the poor sponging off the economy. That is why we need another tax cut.
7:21 am

Slavery wasn't ended it this because it is immoral. It was ended in this country because the non-slavers got sick of competing with the slavers. It was economically unfair to those who paid their workers. Even then those who paid their workers paid them the absolute minimum and worked them to death in horrible conditions, child labor etc.. until the Labor movement started.
7:22 am

I meant to type, Slavery wasn't ended in this country.
7:23 am

So it was better to die defending slavery or trying to end it then let the system continue the way it was. Ergo Civil War.
7:29 am

The majority of people receiving Public Assistance have jobs. It is the shame of the system that they need public assistance. The governments only role in perpetuating the need for public assistance is allowing the top rung of the economic ladder to not pay their fair share. Not because the low rung is inherently defective.
7:30 am
7:30 am

Google bill maher california economy
8:49 am

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4:57 pm

EZest PZest. Fast clicking. No searching required. 8.